Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Christmas letter 2015


2015 is a year for the numbers, so here goes:
4 – The number of kids we have in school this year.
(15 is the combined number of grades if you add each of the kids grade levels together.  Can you figure out what grade each child is in?)
312 – The number of times planet earth has been saved from conquering alien nations.  You’re Welcome!
(Computation – one per day, except Sundays, with allowance for the Gorg nation which took almost a full week, and 5 days defending our world from plagiarism and the stomach flu.  By the way, the Gorg nation not only took a week, but it took the help of 17 neighbor children, a lacrosse stick, 7 sticks of cherry lemonade chapstick, one peanut cluster M&M, and one hair from the tail of a Rainbow Bright pony.  It was pretty messy.)
365 x 10² – The number of times Cami has saved planet earth from hunger, nakedness, and unhappiness.  She personifies the quote from Mother Teresa, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
23,0000 - Avg number of words Cooper speaks in 1 day.  He is single-handedly trying to combat unhappiness in the World. 
1,277 – Lbs. of cereal consumed.  Cooper wants to know where it all goes when he doesn’t see it in his tummy.  Any volunteers?
14 – The number of squirrel mediation sessions in our backyard.  (The year started off rough when we were forced to remove 11 trees from our yard that were dying.  Things went from bad to worse when a dray of Hungarian squirrels moved into the neighborhood in late September.  Conner has been busy ever since.  He has been selected as our delegate to the 2016 National Squirrel Conflict Mediation Conference (NSCMC) in Rivendell.)
1 – The number of Biblical Expressions uttered while fixing a broken kitchen faucet.  Thanks Ed!
276 – The number of words in the song “Let It Go”.  Of which we are reminded of on a daily basis.
1,762 – The number of bones not broken this year (that we know of).
3 – The number of crayons left in pockets that made it into the dryer.  Tie-dye anyone?
2,190 – The number of balls the kids have kicked over the fence this year.  (Sorry Louie!)
4 – The number of teeth lost this year.
121 – The number of times Cami has laid down to “read a book” and woke up the next morning.
57 – The number of times Taylor and Justin argued and had to recite non-violent poetry to each other as punishment. 
13 – In miles, the longest hike we took as a family this year (Big Basin); and yes, it was on purpose.  Cooper was a trooper.
17 – The number of marathons completed by our kids in the School Run Club. 
105 – The number of soccer practices and games attended this year in a 13 week period.
462 - Approximate loads of laundry.  (Computation – one for each day of the week, plus 2 bouts of the stomach flu, 11 mud fights, 9 days at the beach, 6 “plumbing events”, potty training (not included previously as a “plumbing event”), and of course the 6 days battling the Gorg nation.)
7 – The number of days Cami and Jon were away from the kids visiting New York and Canada this year (Thanks Mom!).
12 – The number of arrows Justin can shoot in 50 seconds with and average score of 84.
19 – Average number of times per day that Studio C is quoted in our home (6,935/year).  Balance Restored!
6 – The number of kids we will have in 2016.
-15 – The temperature outside the morning we left Idaho after visiting Cami’s family for Thanksgiving.
17 – The number of blades of grass still living in our backyard.  I don’t know what has been more detrimental, the drought, the BMX track the kids attempted to build, or the squirrel mediation.
Have a Super-Excellent and Bodacious New Year!

Love, The Snows

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