Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back to School

Here are my handsome boys are ready for school this year. 

Conner started 1st grade. His teachers are Ms. Gee and Mrs. Craig. He was most excited about his backpack. He was very particular about it. It had to be a solid color. He basically just wanted one like his brothers. Clothes are another story. He picked out this blue shirt and now he tries to wear it everyday. 

Justin with one of his teachers Mrs. Loofburrow. He has Mrs. Kregor as well. He is in 3rd grade with his friends Ernest and Austin who were in his 1st and 2nd grade classes. He also loves this shirt. 

This is the best one I got of Taylor outside of his classroom. He was excited about his jacket for some reason. He is a big 4th grader and his teacher is Mrs. Ellman. 

I love having Kate and Cooper home with me. We have a better schedule this year.  They all start at the same time. Conner does get out an hour before the other boys except on Wednesday. He loves to walk home with them but I love having him home with me for a little bit. I always get a little sad sending them off to school. I love being only 2 blocks from the school. 

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